
Pit Müller

All problems are simple - when broken down properly

In my capacity as a fullstack developer, I am dedicated to addressing intricate challenges in a methodical and composed manner. My professional approach involves employing the most fitting technologies to effectively tackle specific problems, with a current emphasis on serverless cloud development. I maintain a proactive approach to staying updated on the latest technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, and societal shifts to ensure the delivery of high-quality software development.Within my professional domain, my focal point revolves around engineering clean and high-performing software, prioritizing ease of maintenance. My objective is to leverage this expertise for socially and environmentally conscious projects, aiming to make a meaningful and positive contribution to the future of our society.

Image - SkillsSKILLS

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
TypeScript / JavaScript
OpenAPI specification (OAS)
Terraform / IaC
Linux / Debian
Git / GitHub Actions
Java / Spring
Azure AD / SSO /OAuth
SQL / MySQL / Oracle DB
AWS Cloud Devops
Microsoft Azure

Image - AptitudesAPTITUDES

Image - ExperienceEXPERIENCE

  • Consulting Full Stack Developer
    September 2021 - Current
    Ingka Group (IKEA)

    Actively engaged as a member of a dedicated innovation team. Our core mission revolves around the exploration of the capabilities offered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as well as other cutting-edge technologies. As full stack developer, my main objective is to develop the cloud infrastructure, backend and frontend for prototypes based on our ideas and exploration efforts to ascertain whether these solutions possess the potential for broader applicability in the future. Our team efforts are geared toward not only nurturing innovation but also laying the foundation for scalable, impactful technological advancements within our organization.

    Skills: GCP (Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Firestore, Pub/Sub, BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Load balancing, Cloud DNS, Cloud Trace, Cloud Monitoring, Artifact Registry, Cloud Armor), Go, Node.js, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Express.js, Docker, Terraform, Python, GitHub actions, Azure AD, Bash, AWS, Git, Linux, Confluence, Rust
  • Consulting Full Stack Developer
    January 2021 - September 2021
    Ingka Group (IKEA)

    Main backend developer in development of three planning tool projects at Ingka Group build in a serverless cloud environment with GCP. One project streamlining office space management during COVID times, the second project simplifies requests for office equipment within the organisation and the third helped in evaluating buildings for new store locations around the world. Focus on back-end development of APIs, configuration of serverless infrastructure while occasionally supporting frontend development.

    Skills: GCP (Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Firestore, Pub/Sub, BigQuery), Node.js, TypeScript, Express.js, Postman, Vue.js, Git, Linux, JIRA, Confluence, Azure AD
  • Full Stack Software Developer
    November 2020 - Current

    GESHDO specializes in dynamic IT consulting, driven by a commitment to tailored solutions. We prioritize rapid delivery to align with your goals while managing costs effectively. Our expertise spans all the major cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Back-end development, with diverse languages and frameworks, equips us to solve complex challenges. Our front-end consultants blend design finesse with technical precision to create seamless, visually appealing interfaces. GESHDO pushes boundaries to provide optimal, adaptable solutions for your organization.

  • Java Developer
    November 2018 - June 2019
    ISO Travel Solutions GmbH

    Maintenance and refactoring of existing workflows in legacy booking system. Analysis of penetration testing tool to implement an automated security test workflow with Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), resulting in rather opting for an external penetration test expert due to quality of security testing and cost reasons. Implementation of password safety functionality for improved password quality requirements.

    Skills: Java, ZAP, Tapestry, JUnit, Oracle SQL, SVN
  • Java Developer
    October 2017 - October 2018
    ISO Software Systems Inc.

    Development of an archiving workflow to reduce system data load and lead to overall improvement of system performance. Maintenance and refactoring of existing workflows in legacy booking system, responding to customer requests and aiming for better software quality. Updated complex tax workflow implementation due to new taxation rules in Quebec.

    Skills: Java, XML/XSLT, Tapestry, Cron, JUnit, Oracle SQL, Solr, Jenkins, SVN
  • Java/Front-End Developer
    September 2014 - March 2015
    Deutsche Bundesbank

    Analysis of CubicTest and Selenium, followed by an introduction of a workflow to generate automated frontend tests using Java, Selenium and XPath. Implementation and testing of workflows in frontend application using Java.

    Skills: Java, Selenium, JSF, PrimeFaces, JPA, JavaScript, XPath, XML, HTML, TestNG, SVN

Image - educationEDUCATION

  • Master of Business Information Systems
    2015 - 2020
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

  • Bachelor of Business Information Systems
    2012 - 2015
    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

Image - LanguagesLANGUAGES

  • 100GermanNative
  • 100EnglishFluent
  • 70SwedishIntermediate

Image - CertificatesCERTIFICATES

Google Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services

Image - Contactfor inquiries contact

Daniel Sanfridsson