
Magnus Olofsson

Put people at the center of everything you do.

A positive and social person who sees opportunities. I enjoy a combination where I can work with both people and technology. During my professional career, I have primarily worked in customer service, both as a service manager and team leader, but also in software development and developer relations. I like to see the big picture and focus on the end customer. I always try to put people at the center, whether it’s a user/customer, a colleague, or someone in my network.

Image - SkillsSKILLS

Customer Support
Service Management
Project Management
Change Management
Product Ownership
Team Management
Customer Relationship Management
Analytical Thinking
Feedback Management
Performance Evaluation
Technical Proficiency

Image - AptitudesAPTITUDES

Image - ExperienceEXPERIENCE

  • Developer Relations Leader
    Februari 2022 - January 2024

    As a Developer Relations Leader at Stepstone, I gathered global feedback to shape development initiatives and served as the product owner, managing the entire lifecycle. I led projects with technical experts, building strong organizational relationships to turn innovative ideas into action. I created and maintained project documentation, sharing knowledge across various media. My role emphasized aligning initiatives with organizational goals and fostering collaboration among diverse teams. This helped bridge the gap between technical and non-technical departments, contributing to a cohesive and innovative development environment at Stepstone.

    • Gather input and feedback from global organization to create plan for development initiatives.
    • Product owner.
    • Drive the initiatives together with technical experts.
    • Build relationships within the organization to evolve ideas from innovative initiatives.
    • Drive and create documentation and share knowledge through various media.

    Skills: Leadership, Stakeholder Management, Documentation, Team Management
  • Company Owner
    February 2020 - June 2022
    Solåtervinning i Sverige AB

    As the owner and CEO of a solar power company, I successfully planned and managed projects, ensuring timely and efficient execution. I handled quotations and maintained ongoing dialogue with customers to meet their needs and expectations.

    • Planning and Project management.
    • Quotations and customer dialogue.

    Skills: Project Management, Communication, Quotation, Marketing
  • Service Manager Social Media and Community Manager
    June 2010 - February 2020
    Sony Mobile Communications

    As a Community Manager for Sony Mobile Communications, I led a global team responsible for providing customer support across various social media platforms, ensuring timely and effective responses to customer inquiries. I acted as the product owner for the online forum platform, overseeing its development and ensuring it met the needs of our consumers.
    I was instrumental in driving the support forum platform, creating a space where consumers could find answers, share experiences, and engage with the brand. This involved not only the technical development of the platform but also fostering a community atmosphere that encouraged active participation.
    To support these efforts, I developed detailed reports to track the team's performance and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, I established routines and best practices to ensure the team operated efficiently and consistently met our high standards of customer service. Through these initiatives, I enhanced the overall customer experience and strengthened the community's engagement with Sony Mobile Communications.

    • Lead a global team responsible for customer support on social media platforms.
    • Product owner online forum platform.
    • Develop and drive a support forum platform targeting consumers.
    • Develop reports and routines for the team.

    Skills: Team Management, Documentation, Leadership
  • Web Solutions Development Manager
    July 2009 - June 2010
    Sony Mobile Communications

    As a Web Solutions Development Manager at Sony Mobile Communications, I served as the product owner for support pages, overseeing their development and maintenance. I managed the backlog, prioritizing tasks to ensure timely and effective updates. I led the development of an online support page targeting consumers, ensuring it was user-friendly and met their needs.
    Additionally, I analyzed customer support needs through data and feedback, using these insights to drive improvements and enhancements. This proactive approach ensured that the support pages were always aligned with consumer expectations and provided a high level of service.

    • Product owner support pages.
    • Backlog management.
    • Manage and drive the development of an online support page targeting consumers.
    • Analyze customer's need for support and act on findings.

  • Section Manager
    January 2009 - June 2009
    Sony Mobile Communications

    As a Section Manager for Sony Mobile Communications, I led a team of 15 employees, overseeing their daily work and ensuring high performance. I conducted regular performance reviews to provide feedback and support professional development. Additionally, I reported status updates and results to upper management, ensuring clear communication and alignment with organizational goals.

    • Lead the work for a section with 15 employees.
    • Performance reviews.
    • Reporting status and results to management.

  • Customization Coordinator
    February 2007 - November 2008
    Sony Mobile Communications

    As a Customization Coordinator at Sony Mobile Communications, I tracked customer needs for software adaptations, ensuring their requirements were met. I provided feedback and drove necessary changes to align the software with customer expectations. Ultimately, I delivered fully customized software solutions to customers, ensuring their satisfaction with the final product.

    • Follow up customer needs for adaptation in software.
    • Feedback and drive changes to meet customer needs.
    • Deliver a finished adaptation of software to the customer.

  • Test Team Leader
    April 2006 - Febuary 2007
    Tietoenator R&D Services

    As a Test Team Leader at TietoEnator R&D Services, I led a team dedicated to testing mobile phones. I conducted tests in live mobile networks to ensure functionality and performance. Additionally, I analyzed test results and reported findings, providing critical insights to improve product quality and reliability.

    • Lead the work for a test team.
    • Create test plan and perform tests for mobile phones in live mobile networks.
    • Analyze and report test results.

  • System Tester
    March 2005 - April 2006
    Academic Work

    As a System Tester at Academic Work, my responsibilities included testing various functions of mobile phones, analyzing their performance, and reporting the results. I conducted thorough tests to identify any issues or bugs within the systems. After conducting tests, I analyzed the data collected to assess the system's functionality and performance. Finally, I prepared detailed reports documenting the test results, including any defects found and recommendations for improvement.

    • Test
    • Analyze
    • Report test results

Image - educationEDUCATION

  • BSE Computer Software Engineering
    August 2001 - November 2004
    Lund University

    The education provides a broad theoretical knowledge base in the field of computer science. To provide real-world relevance and to equip the individual with skills, this knowledge is connected to practical tasks, projects, and problem-solving during the course of their education.

Image - LanguagesLANGUAGES

  • 100SwedishNative
  • 90EnglishAdvanced

Image - CertificatesCERTIFICATES

  • [2018]  
    KCS v6 practices
IFL Stockholm School of Economics
  • [2009]  
  • [2008]  
    Applied Project Work

Image - Contactfor inquiries contact

Axel Forsberg