
Joel Roos


We live in a harsh world where we sometimes forget to take care of each other. As a leader I want to be a part of a change to that, creating a workplace where everyone feels safe and can grow to their full potential. Utilizing technology to help the individual and harnessing tech to improve the workplace.

My background as a developer and architect serves as the basis for my drive to lead with a focus on modern technologies, languages, and frameworks. Always striving to create a better solution in less time and with fewer resources. Something that is possible when you fully embrace the modern ways of working with serverless and cloud-native applications and a get shit done attitude.

Image - SkillsSKILLS

Team Building
Technical Advisor
Problem solving
Office 365

Image - AptitudesAPTITUDES

Image - ExperienceEXPERIENCE

  • CEO
    March 2023 - Current

    In 2023 I took over as the CEO of GESHDO, where my focus has been on growth, innovation and operational excellence. I am responsible for setting strategic goals, driving business development, and maintaining high standards across all aspects of the organization. My leadership involves guiding the management team, fostering a culture of teamwork and innovation, and ensuring that all business operations are aligned with our core values.

  • Team manager & Advisor
    June 2021 - December 2022

    Helped build the team from scratch at the innovation LAB at StepStone Malmö, working with the implementation of a new evaluation protocol of initaitives, and acted as team mananger for the team during their build-up phase. My role meant that i managed both consultants as well as employees. In addition to this I acted as one of the technical experts, helping the team decide what new initatives to focus on to generate the most value for StepStone.

  • VP & Team Manager
    July 2021 - March 2023

    As the Vice President and Team Mananger at GESHDO, I led a team of consultants and was a key part of the senior management team. This role involved project management for differnet solutions, customer interaction, scoping of projects and managment of resources and budget. I helped run the company, guided our team to work together and think creatively, and made sure we did our best work.

  • Solutions Architect Expert
    January 2021 - June 2021

    Worked in the Edge team as a Solutions Architect Expert, working with the implementation of various systems both as a developer and as a architect.

  • Senior Deputy Advisor
    November 2019 - March 2021

    Worked as an advisory to the VP Digital Technology - Edge Engineering and the CTO at IKEA, working with the fulfilment team with the implementation of a new global fulfilment strategy, where I worked to ensure that different parts of the organization understood their points of intersection, highlighting previously unknown dependencies as well as aid in their implementation by interacting with the development team. My role also included the evaluation of a specific implementation between INTER and INGKA IKEA, where a third party vendor and the implementation team had run into issues that needed to be resolved. This involved both evaluation of the technical implementation as well as the business impact of the current issues.

  • Architect
    Febuary 2019 - October 2019

    Worked at EON as a Office 365 architect. The role included two main parts working on both the architecture for a new SharePoint environment that would meet the security standards required by the Swedish government and helped with creation and rollout of educational material for employees, acting as support and educator.

  • Developer
    April 2018 - Febuary 2019
    IKANO Bank

    Developed a new CMS for the public websites in Finland and Poland resulting the worlds fastest bank website utilizing a serverless architecture on the AWS platform. Everything is optimized for speed, security and simplicity.

  • Infrastructure Architect
    August 2016 - Mars 2019
    CGI - IKEA

    Part of the architecture team tasked with the development of the intranet at IKEA, being responsible for architectural decisions as well as automation. The assignment spanned over multiple projects, involving upgrades of SharePoint versions, integrations with office 365, creation and decomissions of SharePoint farms and incident management.

  • Co-founder
    August 2016 - Current

    Founded GESHDO

  • Infrastructure Architect
    May 2016 - August 2016
    Volvo IT

    Responsible for the configuration of the SharePoint farm utilized by all branches of Volvo IT at the time. Worked with the initial setup of the site structures in hosted-sites environments as well as configure the authentication flow using SSO and ADFS.

  • Adminstration/Configuration
    June 2015 - May 2016
    Malmö FF

    Responsible for the administration and configuration of the office 365 environment. Also responsible for educating the employees to fully utilize the products.

  • Architect / Developer
    January 2016 - May 2016
    Region Skåne

    Worked with the creation of the first version of Blå Appen. A self-taxing tool for youngsters who were in contact with health care professionals.

  • Infrastructure Architect/Developer
    October 2014 - January 2016
    Axis Communications AB

    Continuned my assignment at Axis with a new consultancy firm

  • Infrastructure Architect/Lead Developer
    October 2014 - August 2016

    Responsible for the administration and development of the Office 365 environment.

  • Infrastructure Specialist
    July 2013 - August 2013

    Was tasked with migrating their SharePoint 2010 intranet from one domain to another while at the same time updating the environment and resolve a number of issues with its configuration.

  • Infrastructure Architect/Developer
    Febuary 2013 - October 2014
    Axis Communications AB

    Continuned my assignment at Axis with a new consultancy firm

  • Consultant
    Febuary 2013 - October 2014

    SharePoint consultant

  • Infrastructure Architect/Developer
    June 2011 - August 2016
    Axis Communications AB

    In addition to helping the customer with the development of custom features and solutions the tasks have mainly revolved around being the infrastructure architect of the global implementation of the SharePoint 2010 and 2013 environments. This also involved the migration between the two versions.

  • Developer
    August 2011 - Febuary 2012

    Part of the development team for the new SharePoint 2010 social intranet at Skånemejerier. Tasks involved branding, webpart development, custom workflows, and infrastructure adaptations.

  • Developer
    May 2011 - August 2011
    3L Systems

    Part of the development team for 3L Systems new SharePoint Foundation Intranet. Tasks involved implementation of various custom web parts as well as migration of data from previous intranet.

  • Lead Developer
    December 2010 - May 2011
    Lunds Datacentral

    The assignment involved troubleshooting and fixing an existing SharePoint 2007 Server implementation as well as the development of a new project area in SharePoint 2010. Tasks involved branding, customization, assigning a project structure and general web part development

  • Developer
    December 2010 - May 2011
    Alfa Laval

    Part of the development team of a new competence inventory system in SharePoint 2010. Tasks involved SharePoint to external systems integration and general development.

  • Lead Developer
    September 2010 - December 2010

    Changes to the existing SharePoint 2007 Foundation implementation were made to fix a number of issues related to servers as well as custom code. Tasks included re-configuring the SMTP servers, workflow customization, and AD Forest modification to work with SharePoint etc.

  • Developer/Designer
    September 2010 - December 2010

    The assignment was to extend the existing functionality of Consiliums SharePoint 2007 intranet. Main task was branding.

  • Developer
    June 2010 - September 2010

    A new student portal for the students at Ekonomihögskolan was developed in SharePoint 2007 and later migrated to SharePoint 2010. Tasks included branding, customization and migration.

  • Developer
    June 2010 - September 2010

    Data migration between SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010. Tasks included migrating custom content using PowerShell as well as infrastructure adaptation for the new environment.

  • Developer
    June 2010 - September 2010

    Additions to the existing SharePoint 2010 intranet were delivered to meet the organizations changing needs. Tasks included customization of templates as well as creation of custom webparts and branding.

  • Lead Developer
    June 2010 - September 2010
    Bool Nordic AB

    A new public website was implemented in SharePoint 2010 to showcase the organizations SharePoint skills. Tasks included project management, branding, infrastructure adaptation, and development.

  • Lead Developer
    June 2010 - February 2014
    Bool Nordic AB

    Responsible for educating new consultants in SharePoint 2007 and 2010. The goal was to ensure that all new employees would be able to take the SharePoint Certificates for configuration and development provided by Microsoft. Tasks included creation of education plan, teaching and mentoring. All (20+) passed their certificates.

Image - educationEDUCATION

  • Master Systemvetenskap, Informatik
     August 2009 - June 2010
    Lund University

  • Kandidat Systemvetenskap, Informatik
     August 2006 - June 2009
    Lund University

Image - LanguagesLANGUAGES

  • 100SwedishNative
  • 100EnglishNative
  • 75GermanFluent