
Elias El khayyati

Image - SkillsSKILLS

Google Cloud Platform

Image - AptitudesAPTITUDES

Image - ExperienceEXPERIENCE

  • Intern
    November 2023 - Current

    During my time as an intern, I had the opportunity to work on my project utilizing the Next.js framework. This experience has provided me with valuable insights into developing web applications with modern technologies and efficient methodologies.

    I also had the privilege of working with the Google Cloud Platform, where I implemented CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete). This experience has showcased my ability to work with cloud-based solutions and manage databases effectively.

    What truly motivates me is my pursuit of understanding both frontend and backend development and my constant thirst for knowledge. I view every new learning opportunity as a chance to improve myself and become a more valuable member of the team.

    My passion lies in learning new things, and I see each new piece of knowledge as a building block in my journey as a developer. Continuous growth and adapting to new technologies are what drive me and keep me enthusiastic in my work.

    Skills: Javascript ,React , NextJs , GCP , Typescript ,NodeJs
  • Administration
    October 2022 - December 2023

    During my time working at the internet café called "Playr," I was responsible for all administrative tasks. My primary focus was ensuring the proper functioning of the servers, which were essential for our operations through SmartLaunch software. I maintained constant communication with the SmartLaunch team to address any server-related issues promptly.

    Additionally, I took charge of computer maintenance to ensure that our equipment was in excellent working condition. I often conducted meetings with clients to facilitate collaborations, such as marketing partnerships for energy drinks and the planning of tournaments or streamer events. These responsibilities allowed me to actively contribute to the growth and success of the internet café while honing my administrative skills and fostering valuable partnership

  • Quality Control Specialist
    Mars 2015 - Weekend Substitute at ICA
    ICA Warehouse

    In my role, I was responsible for maintaining order and ensuring product quality at ICA's warehouse. This involved sorting and arranging products to meet our stringent quality standards.

    Working within a culturally team provided me with valuable insights into cooperation across various backgrounds and personalities, That gave me good experience to have a great team work with anyone.

    I also had the opportunity to engage in automation projects, collaborating closely with robotic systems to optimize product storage efficiently.

Image - educationEDUCATION

  • Grit Academy
    2022 - 2024
    Malmö YH

    During my time at Grit Academy, I learned the basics of programming and the essential tools needed.

    However, it was at Geshdo where I truly expanded my understanding. Working on practical, real-world tasks allowed me to gain experience that went beyond the classroom.This practical experience was like a window into how things actually work in the field. It gave me valuable insights and a more comprehensive view of how concepts translate into real-life applications. In essence, it deepened my overall understanding of the subject and made me feel more confident in my abilities.

Image - LanguagesLANGUAGES

  • 100SwedishNative
  • 90EnglishAdvanced

Image - CertificatesCERTIFICATES
